Reflection: Finding the Potential of HTML in ICT 10
Reflection: Finding the Potential of HTML in ICT 10 Learning HTML (HyperText Markup Language) in ICT 10 has been a transformative experience. At first, it seemed intimidating to work with codes and unfamiliar tags, but as the lessons progressed, I realized how essential and empowering HTML is in creating and shaping the digital world. From crafting a simple webpage to designing structured content, HTML has opened up a realm of creative and practical possibilities. One of the most valuable lessons I learned is that HTML is the basis of web development. It's the skeleton of every website, determining how content is organized and displayed. Knowing basic tags such as <html>, <head>, <body>, <h1>, and <p> taught me the importance of structure in creating a functional webpage. These tags are simple yet powerful tools that allow anyone to bring their ideas to life online. Another lesson learned is attention to detail, as precision is a must with HTML, beca...